A Brief History

The project entails repairing the building at 335 Maplewood Ave in a manner that meets both preservation and sustainability goals. The building is the new location for Petersen Engineering, a firm that has been located in Portsmouth since 1992, and specializes in sustainable building engineering. We intend for this project to showcase techniques & materials that promote both preservation and sustainability and intend to share all aspects of the project locally and regionally through open houses, presentations, industry tradeshows, case studies and publications. We foresee this project being a valuable educational tool to demonstrate that preservation goals need not be compromised by sustainability goals. We have teamed with Bruss Construction who we know from past collaborations has exceptional experience and expertise on projects with the dual goal of preservation and sustainability.

The project received approval by the Historic District Commission on January 6, 2010 with construction scheduled to begin early February 2010.

The projected peak heat loss reduction is 85%.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Final sill repair

Is that light at the end of the tunnel or just an oncoming train??!!


The Bruss team finished up the North Wall on Wednesday afternoon and has shifted to their last and final wall on the east side of the annex. So far it is looking like a real doozy. I am going to let these pictures speak for themselves. Lets just say that the cement truck will be making a second visit.

Before I show you the pictures from today, lets look at how the North wall progressed since the last post on Monday.

Pictures from Tuesday:

Pictures from Wednesday:


Pictures taken from today:

The Bruss team started digging down this morning to check out the foundation...I went to a meeting, came back 3 hours later and they had the wall jacked up, earth dug down, sill removed and were removing loose rubble at the foundation. Wow. The foundation turns out to be in pretty rough shape. It consists of loose rubble held together by dirt. Yes dirt. I will keep you posted on this one...

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