A Brief History

The project entails repairing the building at 335 Maplewood Ave in a manner that meets both preservation and sustainability goals. The building is the new location for Petersen Engineering, a firm that has been located in Portsmouth since 1992, and specializes in sustainable building engineering. We intend for this project to showcase techniques & materials that promote both preservation and sustainability and intend to share all aspects of the project locally and regionally through open houses, presentations, industry tradeshows, case studies and publications. We foresee this project being a valuable educational tool to demonstrate that preservation goals need not be compromised by sustainability goals. We have teamed with Bruss Construction who we know from past collaborations has exceptional experience and expertise on projects with the dual goal of preservation and sustainability.

The project received approval by the Historic District Commission on January 6, 2010 with construction scheduled to begin early February 2010.

The projected peak heat loss reduction is 85%.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Foundation reinfocement

Bruss is gearing up to replace the sill on the west side of the building. The foundation needs to be reinforced and built out before doing any sill work. The foundation & structure has shifted over the years.

This is the still right now. It extends past the foundation.

It actually has rolled a bit. The weight of the building is resting where there is not much support from the foundation.

This is what Bruss Construction has done / is going to do...

Drill holes into existing foundation & insert rebar. (done)

Add rebar horizontally and vertically. (done)

Build forms. (done)

Pour concrete. (in progress)

Remove forms. (Monday)

Don't worry about the foundation extending out so far. It looks silly now but once the wall it built out with rigid foam & everything, it will extend past the concrete. No worries.

Replace sill. (next week)

Photos from this morning...

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